Stop Lying to Me

[Originally Published on Oct 18, 2020 at 4:26pm]

I am so tired of people telling me they care about me only to backstab me.

Both my parents immigrated to America to escape shitty situations in India. Neither of my parents were American citizens when I was born.

Trump has repeatedly stated that he wishes he could strip people like me - born and bred Americans who love our country - of our citizenship. I am seriously worried that a second term Trump will follow up on this threat.

'But I'm Pro-life'. Please. The draconic nature of the recent anti-abortion laws are the exact opposite of pro-life. These laws sentence rape victims to death and criminalize miscarriages. I am someone who is at a higher risk of miscarriage.

These laws could mean suffering for me, or even death, should I get pregnant and have complications.

It probably does not surprise you that I've experienced my share of racism. However most of the racism I've experienced, especially dangerous instances, have been people mistaking me for black.

America is so incredibly cruel to black people that the most dangerous thing to my existence is being mistaken for black.

Trump actively sides with white supremacists and supports violence against black people. It's so bad that this spills over to anyone with melanin. How can I even consider bringing a mixed child into this world knowing that they will face even more of this hatred for skin color than I have?

This administration has caused incredible harm and trauma. It reminds me of my darkest times, and has undone a lot of the work and effort I put into improving my mental health. If you claim to support PTSD survivors like myself you cannot support Trump.

There are thousands of reasons that you should vote Biden-Harris, but I chose to highlight some of the issues that effect me directly, because I want you to understand that voting for Trump will actively harm me.

I want you to understand that your vote for Trump is a vote for removal of my citizenship. It is a vote that you think I do not deserve to have children, or that I deserve to die if I have complications. It is a vote that says the rights and lives of my friends do not matter to you. It is a vote that says my mental health does not matter to you.

If you are still choosing to support Trump don't you dare say you support me and my work. Your actions have shown that you do not care about me or the messages of my art.

Stop lying to yourself and stop lying to me.

Vote for Biden-Harris.

Trump intends to challenge the validity of the election just has Trump and his administration have ferociously supported voter suppression. We need to overwhelmingly win to shut down him and his supporters and to show them what America is really about.

Huge thank you to my friends and fans who have already cast their vote for Biden-Harris. It might not seem like much, but it's a big show of support for me and I appreciate it.


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